About Shamanism...
Shamanism is an ancient spiritual practice found in cultures throughout Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, and the Americas. Historically, shamans were integral members of the community who served as healers, guides, and masters of ceremony. Shamans enter into an altered state of consciousness to communicate and work with ancestors and benevolent spirit allies. Shamans are not unique in this ability, as every person is capable of expanding his or her awareness to perceive beyond normal conventional consciousness (see Shamanic Journey). Shamans simply develop through training and dedication the skill to act as a bridge between realities.
Shamanism is a spiritual practice based on the understanding that all of creation has a core vitality, energy, light, soul…or however you may view it. The word itself is not important; it is the essence of the word that matters. This universal force unites us in the web of life.
We are born whole, but life events and experiences can chip away at our core, leaving us vulnerable to chronic fatigue, illness, and a sense of disconnect with the world and ourselves. Through ritual and ceremony, shamans help individuals and communities to reestablish balance and harmony, to become whole again (see Healing). When we are complete within ourselves, there is no barrier separating us from connection, love, and joy.
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